You can bring your own camping gear to camp anywhere on the campsite, or you can choose a pre-arranged option.
Liquicity-branded pop-up tent for you to take home. Includes a branded tent bag and an optional Liquicity airbed + sleeping bag(s).
Pre-pitched, cozy, round tipi-style tent equipped with sleeping mats, sleeping bags, pillows, and a lantern—all you need for a comfortable stay.
Pre-pitched tent with airbeds, pillows, blankets (without sheets) and a lamp. Go for extra comfort with the iconic Queen tents!
Pre-pitched luxurious tent with beds, pillows, duvets (with sheets), chairs, and a lamp. Enjoy your new home for the weekend.
NEW: The Liquicity hotel package is perfect for non-campers, offering rooms near Alkmaar station with ensuite bathrooms, TV, air conditioning, and free WiFi, plus unlimited shuttle bus access.